Latest Dodge RAM – New sub box for my Dodge ram – 96857 Schofield Barracks HI Aug 2018.
We originally had a smaller speaker box that fit in there but I wasn’t getting enough Base So I went back to the place I had it done the lady got me something bigger and I’ve been very happy with the system it’s clear and got lots of bass .It’s awesome we did have to raise the seat up with a few washers to get the height so that she could close properly but. other than that Best system I’ve ever had.. you can contact Information. The name of the place is ..Gwinnett sound Norcross Georgia .. +1 (770) 279-2535 Give them a call they can get it for you do you won’t be disappointed .Tell him to seen it here on YouTube
Winter 2021 New sub box for my Dodge ram Area Near 61490 Woodhull IL.
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