
I’m selling my first gen Found at 56287 Seaforth MN

Category: DODGE Ram 339 0

Latest Dodge RAM – I’m selling my first gen – 56287 Seaforth MN July 2018.


First gen fur sale.. NOT on sale, but FUR sale. Might need to bar-ee some money from your mom and your broke uncle, cuz deals like this only come around once in a lifetime lil ol son. This is a classic and a tank. Workhorse 12 valve ol chap. Start er up and feel the 12 VALVE VIBES!

Dale Brisby is a legendary bull riding gypsy soul that is always on to the next one! He loves spurring big brahmer necks for big money checks. you can find him at the pay window, behind the bucking chutes, in the chute, or even busting broncs and tearing down honky tonks! He’s been 90 in Maine, Spain, Spokane, and Ala-bame! Thank you for taking a moment to enjoy his shenanigans on the road, at a rodeo, or at home at Radiator Ranch! You can enjoy his everyday on any major social media platform. Thanks again for joining! Also check out some of his amigos below!!

Fallon Taylor:

Leroy Gibbons:

Randy Quartieri:

Cody Webster:

I'm selling my first gen Dodge Ram T Shirt

[flexiblemap address=”56287 Seaforth MN” region=”us” directions=”true” width=”100%” height=”350px” zoom=”8″]

July 2018 I’m selling my first gen From 56287 Seaforth MN.


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