
Dodge Caliber Questions in Ingram 78025 TX USA

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Explore About DODGE Caliber and Dodge Caliber Questions – Where Alt Media don’t see , hear Your Dumbfounded Vegas Shooting Opinion in Ingram 78025 TX.

Dodge Caliber Questions 17 seconds of Bitsko’s bodycam footage might allow us to clearly hear Sergeant Matchko exclaim to Corey that
“It’s Not!” when he goes to check the window in 32-135., SEO There IS NO broken window. , & then we get a screen shot from
page 43 of 81 of the fit report listing pictures 19 -21 of room 32134
including 8 expended .308/7.62 cartridge casings as well as ar10 magazines

BUT in the unedited May 14, 2018 version uploaded by Las Vegas Shooting Archive. One officer does not see a broken window until two other officers point out which curtain it is behind. all after not knowing which way is the front of the building

at 16:22 just after the second breach the accidental discharge 3 round burst OIS happens
at 22:40 a cop said i cannot tell which direction this room is , let me get to a window
at 23:20 One officer does not see a broken window until two other officers point out which curtain it is behind.?
at 23:23 Cory = “I do not have a broken window”, a cop said : “there are several room in here Cory (garble) broken window over here to the right where the curtain (garble)
at 23:30 a cop said “that’s the broken window”? when Cory is by the curtain
at 23:38 “stand by we have
at 23:49 you see the window they were refering to
At 23:50 the AR-15 over the left leg is seen.

FIT REPORT page 43 of 81, incomplete annotations for (Pictures 19-21) 32nd Floor – Room 32-134 – Hotel Room
bump stocked AR-15 .223/5.56 100 round magazine vertical fore grip No sights or optics. FNH FN15 FNCR000383
Expended .308/7.62 cartridge casings (8) Polymer 25 round AR-10 magazines (loaded).
scoped .308 caliber bolt action rifle, Ruger American 695-93877
bipoded AR-10 .308/7.62 red dot scope. No magazine. LMT LM308MWS LMS18321
bipoded AR-10 .308/7.62 25 round magazine & scope Ruger SR0762 562-13026
bipoded AR-10 scope & 25 round magazine LMT LM308MWS LMS18300
Laptop computer connected to hallway surveillance cameras.

PS:OIS can mean any shooting or can have a specific meaning in some jurisdictions.

ffmpeg.exe -i “original.mp4 ” -i “cleaned.mp3” -vcodec copy -acodec copy -map 0:0 -map 1:0 output.mp4 = my vid =

Las Vegas Shooting Archive ROX

hoover sux

Dodge Caliber Questions, 2018 DODGE Caliber Ingram 78025 TX

Where Alt Media don’t see , hear Your Dumbfounded Vegas Shooting Opinion, Dodge Caliber Questions in, Ingram 78025 TX.

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