
Dodge Viper Inside Location Wake County Speedway, Raleigh, North Carolina 2018

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Dodge Viper Inside in, Wake County Speedway, Raleigh, North Carolina.

Dodge Viper Inside I competed in my 3rd round, district-level public speaking contest last night. I truly gave it my best effort, but did not come home with the trophy. I still feel like I’ve won, no matter the outcome.

It takes extreme courage to step in front of a crowd of 120+ people, and tell a story with such passion. Entertaining and engaging an audience is far more difficult than lecturing or presenting a slide show, which is my previous level of speaking experience. Add the weight of competition on your shoulders, and I’d say there is no greater challenge.

I’ve only been doing public speaking classes for 11 months now, with Toastmasters. It is amazing how much I’ve improved, in such a short time. I used to be so nervous to speak in front of strangers, fearing the vulnerability of putting myself out there on display. I’d get cold sweats, my voice would crack, my mouth would dry, my temperature would elevate. But, I pushed myself to overcome those fears, by practice, practice, practice.

I never imagined I’d be doing this, only a year ago. It just goes to show that if you set a goal, and dedicate your effort to something, you can achieve it.

Last night, I had no fear. Going forward, I’ll have no fear.

Dodge Viper Inside, Wake County Speedway, Raleigh, North Carolina

Fear! (The Viper Crash Story), Dodge Viper Inside in, Wake County Speedway, Raleigh, North Carolina 2018.

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